We’re here for you and can schedule an appointment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If the office is not open, we can refer you to one of our on call Doctors at your nearby hospital.
Same Day Appointments
We’re available 7 days a week and have specific office hours with all doctors on staff. Outside of normal office hours you can receive an on call Doctor or Nurse at your nearby hospital if needed.
02 9600 6366
Suite 14 Fax: 02 8322 8091
Suite 25 Fax: 02 8322 8030
Suite 14 & 25 17 Moore Street Liverpool NSW 2170
02 4655 4099
FAX:02 8322 8093
72 John Street Camden NSW 2570
02 4628 1433
Fax: 02 8322 8092
Suite 1, Specialist Medical Centre cnr King & Queen Streets Campbelltown NSW 2560